Career ABC – Always be Curious

Encouraged by our marketing colleague to use this month’s insight post to reflect on career. We landed on this riff off of that famous speech of Alec Baldwin’s character in the movie Glengarry Glen Ross. And rather than “always be closing” we would say with your career always be curious. The first thing that struck us…

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Delivering client value through focused, yet carefree talk

A team conversation this week prompted the reflection that fresh perspectives and new productive actions result through focused, yet carefree talk. Noting carefree might not be quite the right term, it’s certainly not care-less. By focused yet carefree, we mean that uninhibited talk that is based on trust. Talk that is not wedded to any…

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Show don’t Tell: A new (to me) perspective on change leadership

As an experienced consultant with a professional heritage in engineering, I have absolutely no academic credentials in literature or any other media. However, with children that studied film and literature at first degree level and also as someone that enjoys films, I have come to understand the idea of ‘show don’t tell’ as used in…

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Importance of the New


Like all of us, the Laing Russell team has had many new consulting experiences in recent weeks and months. Our own learning from these new experience has prompted us to reflect on the very significant value of proactively seeking out the ‘new’, the ‘the road less travelled’ to encourage development and change. The challenge of…

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